2011.09–2018.12 华中农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学,理学博士
2007.09–2011.06 华中农业大学,生物学,理学学士
2021.04至今 必赢集团网站,讲师
2019.01–2021.03 湖北省农业科学院,粮食作物研究所,博士后
1. 中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M652606):水稻长日照开花促进因子LHD5的克隆和功能解析,8万元,2019-2020,主持
五、代表性论文 (#, 第一作者;*,通讯作者)
1. Yong Hu#, Xin Zhou, Bo Zhang, Shuangle Li, Xiaowei Fan, Hu Zhao, Jia Zhang, Haiyang Liu, Qin He, Qiuping Li, Mohammed Ayaad, Aiqing You* & Yongzhong Xing*, OsPRR37 alternatively promotes heading date through suppressing the expression of Ghd7 in the japonica variety Zhonghua 11 under natural long-day conditions, Rice. 14 (2021) 20. (IF2021=4.78,中科院一区)
2. Yong Hu#, Song Song#, Xiaoyu Weng, Aiqing You* & Yongzhong Xing*, The heading-date gene Ghd7 inhibits seed germination by modulating the balance between abscisic acid and gibberellins, The Crop Journal. 9 (2021) 297–304. (IF2021=4.41,中科院一区)
3. Yong Hu#, Shuangle Li, Xiaowei Fan, Song Song, Xin Zhou, Xiaoyu Weng, Jinghua Xiao, Xianghua Li, Lizhong Xiong, Aiqing You & Yongzhong Xing*, OsHOX1 and OsHOX28 redundantly shape rice tiller angle by reducing HSFA2D expression and auxin content, Plant Physiol. 184 (2020) 1424–1437. (IF2021=8.34,中科院一区)
4. Yong Hu#, Shuangle Li & Yongzhong Xing*, Lessons from natural variations: artificially induced heading date variations for improvement of regional adaptation in rice, Theor. Appl. Genet. 132 (2019) 383-394. (IF2021=5.70,中科院一区)
5. Yong Hu#, Yong Huang, Li Zhang, Hu Zhao, Haiyang Liu, Yongzhong Xing & Xufeng Bai*, Genome‐wide association analysis reveals flowering‐related genes regulating rachis length in rice, Plant Breeding. 135 (2016) 677–682. (IF2021=1.83,中科院三区)
6. Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi#, Yong Hu#, Xufeng Bai & Yongzhong Xing*, QTL mapping for thermo-sensitive heading date in rice. Euphytica. 205 (2015) 51–62. (IF2021=1.90,中科院三区)