
作者:  发布时间:2020-10-30  阅读次数:








2010.09–2013.06  华中师范大学必赢集团网站,动物学专业,理学博士

2007.09–2010.06  华中师范大学必赢集团网站,微生物学专业,理学硕士

2002.09–2006.06  华中师范大学必赢集团网站,生物科学专业、理学学士


2018.10至今          必赢集团网站,博士后、讲师、副教授

2013.09–2018.09  美国密苏里大学(Columbia)医学院生命科学中心,博士后

2006.07–2007.08  湖北省体育科学研究所,国民体质检测员


1. Dong Y#, Fasina OO#, Pintel HJ*. (2019) Minute Virus of Canines NP1 protein interacts with the cellular factor CPSF6 to regulate viral alternative RNA processing. Journal of Virology 93, e01530–18.

2. Dong Y, Fasina OO, Pintel DJ. (2018) The Human Bocavirus 1 NP1 protein is a multifunctional regulator of viral RNA processing. Journal of Virology 92, e01187–18.

3. Fasina OO, Dong Y, Pintel DJ. (2015) NP1 protein of the bocaparvovirus minute virus of canines controls access to the viral capsid genes via its role in RNA processing, Journal of Virology 90, 1718–1728.

4. Deng X#, Dong Y#, Yi Q, Huang Y, Zhao D, Yang Y, Tijssen P, Qiu J, Liu K, Yi L. (2013) The determinants for the enzyme activity of human parvovirus B19 Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and its influence on cultured cells. PLoS One 8, 0–e61440.

5. Dong Y, Huang H, Wang Y, Peng Xu P, Yang Y, Liu K, Tijssen P, Peng J, Yi Li L. (2013) The effects of the 11kDa protein and the putative X protein on the p6 promoter activity of Parvovirus B19 in Hela cells. Virus Genes 46, 167–169.

6. Hu YH, Wang Y, Wang F, Dong Y, Jiang WL, Wang YP, Zhong X, Ma LX. (2020) SPOP negatively regulates Toll-like receptor-induced inflammation by disrupting MyD88 self-association. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 18, 1708–1717.

7. Wang X, Li T; Liu H, Du J, Zhou F, Dong Y, He X, Li Y, Wang C. (2017)  Recombinant feline parvovirus infection of immunized tigers in central China. Emerg Microbes Infect 6, e42.

8. 董衍明,李京京,徐鹏,李毅,马立新,王媛.人细小病毒B19分子生物学研究进展[J].生物工程学报,2020,36(05):879–890.


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